The secret work of writers, revealed

process Apr 05, 2023

What the world sees of a writer’s work is only the tip of the iceberg. What’s really going on in the secret work of writers?

Most of what writers do is—shh!—secret.

How could it be otherwise? Our work is private because we do it inside our heads.

Maybe we do this interior labor while sitting at a desk, typing or scribbling away, but the essential processes remain invisible to the eye. 

Which raises the not-so-secret question: How is a would-be writer, who's longing to write but has never actually seen anyone do it (because, guess what, you can't), supposed to know how to approach this challenging novel-writing gig to begin with?

It’s a puzzle, and it’s why developing writers experience so much struggle.

Yes, they’ve seen the finished books! Chances are they’ve read a ton. 

But they haven't seen all the actual work writers do that takes them from blank page to bookstore shelf, because—guess what—you can’t.

This is a conundrum I'd like to help solve. In this live talk, I reveal the secret work writers do that the public never knows about. 

And a word of warning: If you don’t tackle all of what that work entails, you are likely to struggle to achieve what you want: 

  • to write really good fiction,
  • that vividly expresses the story you want to tell
  • and is truly ready for publication
  • and will please its readers once it’s out there in the world, visible at last!

So what is these secret work? That’s what this livestream is all about. My last point is the most important, so please stick around to the end!

What secret work of writers do you wish you could see? Leave a comment below, I'd love to know. 

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