“For the first time, I feel the very real possibility of being a writer.”
Learn to write irresistible fiction with confidence and skill. Here’s how.
Reading a great story is pure pleasure. So why is writing one so hard?
For a lot of us, the dream of being a writer takes hold early and never lets go.
Yet many writers muddle through years—or even decades—of effort, without getting the results they long for.
- The struggle to get started and work with consistency?
- That sinking feeling when you get stuck in the middle of a draft, until you finally give up?
- The frustration of getting pass after pass from agents and editors, without anyone ever telling you what you’re doing wrong?
If any of that feels familiar, please know you’re not alone.
I’ve been a working writer for decades, and a teacher and mentor of writers for almost as long. Here’s what I know to be true:
The craft of writing really good fiction is not something most writers can pick up “by ear.”
I hear this so often! Writers think that if they just keep reading a lot and writing a lot, mastery will automatically, magically arrive.
But it’s not so.
It’s like saying that eating in a great restaurant will automatically turn you into a gourmet chef.
This mistaken notion of how writers gain mastery over their craft is why we can spend so much time on our writing, and still feel like we’re not making progress.
So what’s a writer to do?

There is a path to follow.
Writers achieve mastery the same way any other serious practitioner of any art, sport, or profession does.
Training. Practice. Feedback. Mentorship.
For a writer who’s willing to do the work, the difference this makes is nothing short of transformative.
That’s why I created the Path of the Storyteller program.
This in-depth program is based on my own decades of experience in the art and craft of telling stories and connecting with readers, as well as my many years of teaching and mentoring writers.
I know exactly where well-intended but undertrained writers go wrong. And I’ll show you, step-by-step, what to do instead.
My goal? To give you all the tools you need to be the very best writer you can be.
We’ll banish the confusion and frustration you may have struggled with in the past.
Instead, you’ll learn how to write fiction that really works. Stories that keep readers turning pages. Prose that bring those stories to vivid life in the reader’s mind.
These are the books that readers love (and tell their friends about). This is the kind of writing that’s built to last.
Along the way, we’ll also explore how to keep your mindset in the thriving writer zone. That’s where your writing becomes the joyful, creative, and deeply personal expression you want it to be, while still being carefully designed to earn its place in your readers’ hearts.
When you know how to do that, agents and editors sit up and take notice!
An MFA at a fraction of the price—really?
No, Path of the Storyteller isn’t an MFA program, but some of my students have compared it to one. We do cover a lot of ground! This is practical, comprehensive, pro-level training that respects your intelligence, your time, and your budget. If you’re serious about leveling up as a writer, you won’t find another experience like it.
Have you ever wished for a writing fairy godmother? Maryrose and her Path of the Storyteller program will satisfy that longing in spades! Her expertise and beautiful mentor energy helped me understand story structure, revision, and myself (particularly how resistance looks in my life) so much deeper and better. I will be reviewing my course material for years and cheering on my fellow storytellers forever. And I just wanted to say that, as an educator, I’ve done a lot of work in curriculum design and development over the years. I was SO IMPRESSED with each module the program offered. They were so clear, creative, and engaging and built upon one another perfectly. Maryrose has really gifted the writing community with something very, very special. Thank you.
Genny O’Herron
This program is truly life changing. This amazing course has not only given me every step-by-step tool of story structure and writing craft, but innumerable opportunities to practice, discuss, and learn. This was a thoroughly and thoughtfully constructed course which basically held my hand along every inch of the educational journey. The assignments were designed to reinforce the lessons and were essential to my complete understanding of each topic. The course provided me with all the tools and experience to move forward along my own writing path. I have gained enormous confidence.
Andrea Cimini
Path of the Storyteller is unlike anything I’ve encountered in many years of workshops and classes. Now I have the missing framework to hang a lifetime of disparate pieces of writing craft and advice. The format-specific lessons with targeted practice and sharing in the Campfire and live mentoring is the most effective training I’ve experienced. It's not an exaggeration to say this program is life-changing.
Kristyn Winters
Good training and consistent practice lead to results.
Writing irresistible fiction with confidence and skill is something you can learn how to do. The Path of the Storyteller program is designed to give you the tools you need on your journey to mastery, based on three principles:
- Great fiction is built on a foundation of great storytelling. Learning to tell a story is essential for writers.
- Each word you put on the page has the power to draw your reader into the fictional world you’ve created, or toss them out of it. Every word is a choice that matters.
- All writers go through similar challenges as we develop our craft. Self-observation is part of the work, as we stir up our deepest personal reasons for wanting to write in the first place, and all those pesky gremlins that get in the way. Just like the heroes of our books, writers go on a journey of transformation, too.
Here’s what you’ll find inside the program:

Everything you need to know to write like a pro. Story structure. Writing craft. Drafting. Revision. Mindset. It’s a complete framework that you can revisit again and again.

Our private online community offers support, accountability, and friendship, too! Here’s where you can connect with other writers, share encouragement, and receive and offer feedback on your program assignments.

Each week we gather live online with Maryrose to review the program content, answer all your questions and keep you moving forward. Replays of these coaching sessions are available even if you can’t attend live.

Lessons include targeted exercises to help you practice what you just learned. Written transcripts of each lesson make it easy to study and formulate questions. And each module concludes with a fun quiz to help you review. Pass the quiz and earn a badge to help keep you motivated!

You retain lifetime access to all your course materials. You’ll be able to review the entire program on your own timetable and revisit your lessons and technical exercises whenever you need to.

Once you complete the program, you’ll be eligible to join Storytellers’ Circle. This tight-knit community meets weekly for accountability, feedback, and mentorship with Maryrose and your fellow storytellers.
I have read so many stories that I thought I knew how to put one together, yet my desk drawer was full of unfinished manuscripts that trailed off in the middle. Using Maryrose’s description of story structure as a blueprint, I can see where my foundations had gaps, shore up my supporting walls and make sure I have everything in place for the climax when it comes. I loved it.
Hilary Quinion
This was the perfect course for me to push my writing dreams forward. From the beginning of facing my own resistance, to learning the building blocks of story structure, I have learned so much. Maryrose has taught new concepts to me in a way that I can remember, using great examples from literature. The quality and content is excellent. The lessons are just the right length of time. The online format can be watched over and over, and the transcripts can be read and written on which allows all learning styles to succeed. I like the homework assignments, even though some of them have pushed me out of my comfort zone. The live Q and A has been a delightful bonus that I have looked forward to every week. Not only do I get to have some classmates to see and interact with, the information shared from the questions asked has been extremely valuable.
Patricia Hinely
I wanted to learn to write fiction, but had no idea where to start. The program gave me just what I needed. The careful look at story structure and its accompanying writing prompts, in particular, were just what I needed to give me focus and direction. I appreciated Maryrose‘s thoughtfully designed course, as well as the feedback and live discussions. By the end I had the tools, enthusiasm and confidence needed to keep me going in my writing practice. And Maryrose's genuine interest and care for her mentees is marvelous!
Ann Nelson
Reading is one of life’s great pleasures, for sure. But a finished novel is the end result of a long, complex process of imagining, drafting, and revision.
As readers, we don’t get to see what the writer was thinking when they made the zillions of tiny decisions—no, not this word, that one—that culminate in a published book.
That’s why training with an experienced writer is essential. You need a mentor who’s able to demystify what writing well really entails, so you can learn to make those zillions of tiny decisions in your own writing.
That’s the pro-level work that makes your finished book seem effortless to your readers, just like your favorite books seem effortless to you.
Path of the Storyteller is a carefully designed, step-by-step program that will truly flip the switch on how you think about writing fiction.
Once you enroll, I think you’ll discover just what a life-changing impact the right training and mentorship can have on your own development as a writer.
I can’t wait to be your mentor!
I’m ready for this!
“I am so thankful to have found and taken this course. I feel so empowered and enabled! I cannot wait to get to work.”
Molly Hopkins
I kept receiving the same feedback about my writing: The voice was great, but something seemed to be missing. The thing is that no one could say exactly what it was that was missing except to vaguely suggest plot or structure. Maryrose Wood’s course really opened my eyes to what that missing piece was. I feel like I have been let into the secret club of storytellers. Now I have the tools I need to move forward and finish writing my book.
Chris Go
For the first time, I feel the very real possibility of being a writer. This program is clarifying my understanding of writing fiction in ways I could never have imagined. In addition, having a community of writers has made me feel like I’ve found my tribe. Maryrose is a generous, loving mentor, who will challenge you to become the writer you always knew, or at least hoped, you could be. She cracks open the fundamental laws of storytelling and then shows you how to use them. It’s pure magic!
Nancy Partridge
Like you, I’m a writer. And my path from starry-eyed kid to published author took a lot of twists and turns.
I didn’t grow up thinking I’d end up writing novels, and I never imagined I’d be published by Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Macmillan. But fourteen published novels later (and counting), here I am.
From my early adventures in the creative arts (yes, that’s me singing my heart out in that flop Broadway musical), to years of study and hands-on experience crafting tales that have touched readers worldwide, I’ve never stopped being fascinated by the deeply human need for story. It’s truly part of us.
My passion for teaching rose naturally out of my own long writing practice and lifetime of study. The archetype of the mentor looms large in stories! I’m grateful to be part of that lineage.
You can ask any of my Path of the Storyteller students—my enthusiasm for mentoring my students is deep and genuine!
My readers know me best for my six Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place books (from HarperCollins), as well as Alice’s Farm, A Rabbit’s Tale (Macmillan). My two grown-up kids are my greatest pride and joy. I’m originally from the East Coast and now split my time between Southern California, New York, and Italy.
For years I’d been writing on and off and going in circles, thinking that if I just had more time, worked harder, read more craft books, etc. that somehow my ideas would come together, and my story would eventually emerge. I now realize that what I needed all that time was a better understanding of story structure and a mentor to show me the way! Maryrose Wood and Path of the Storyteller gave me just that. Path of the Storyteller is a wonderful, step by step program that has taken away much of the uncertainty and ambiguity I face when it comes to writing. It is by far the best, most comprehensive writing course I’ve ever taken, with such a kind, supportive writing community built into it. Maryrose is a fun, encouraging, compassionate guide who teaches story structure and writing craft in a such a clear, incremental way, and I’ve been blown away by the revelations and takeaways. I now have the tools I need to write and produce something every time I sit down, instead of just anxiously staring at a blank page or screen, which has been so empowering! I highly recommend the course to anyone who is serious about writing.
Jill Dever
Maryrose is an excellent teacher: straightforward, humorous, encouraging and experienced. I looked forward to her lesson videos, which were packed with information. Those were backed up with a transcript and opportunities to immediately use what you had learned. The live Q&A sessions and a forum in which student writers could read and critique each others’ work were also extremely valuable. The weeks flew by and I could see my own progress. What a pleasure to learn all this, in this way.
Terri Risdon
The format is fantastic; the lessons really feel like sitting down in Maryrose’s living room for a chat with a sage mentor, and I love the prompts and the ability to share them to the forum. It’s helped me make time for my writing and shaken the dust off my long-dormant creative energy. This has been a fantastic way to bring writing back to the forefront of my days, and has really helped direct and grow my storytelling.
Katherine Cullis
Path of the Storyteller will change the way you think about writing.
It will teach you what good storytelling and writing craft are and how to achieve them, and it will demystify why these techniques work the way they do to deliver a thrilling, unforgettable experience to the reader.
I have to warn you, though—this program is not for you if:
- You think good writing can’t be taught.
- You’re not willing to learn from an experienced author and teacher who’s broken it all down for you.
- Your goal for your drafts is to let them live in a drawer. You’re not interested in connecting with readers.
But I don’t think that’s you.
I think you’re not only ready, but eager for the kind of expert training that could really make a difference in your writing.
And an engaging, in-depth course, with content you can consume on your own schedule, writing prompts to show you exactly how to practice what you’re learning, a community of fellow storytellers to cheer you on, and a skilled mentor to guide and support you and answer questions every step along the way?
It’s time to get on the path.

Life changing, one of the best decisions I’ve made, worth more than I paid, a magical experience... these are all true. I came here knowing I want to write—this cemented the deal. I also came here knowing what holes I had in my writing ability. This program provided tools and then gave other tools I didn’t even know I needed. I am so grateful that Maryrose is my mentor!
Kathryn Rizzo
To learn the difference between good storytelling and good writing is exactly what I needed to move on with my work. Through Maryrose’s practical and generous instruction, not only do I see a path through the novel-writing woods, but I have a map, flashlight, compass, and snacks to take with me on my journey. I can’t describe how grateful I am for the Path of the Storyteller program. I now have a lifetime of storytelling strategies and renewed energy to invigorate my writing practice. This program will remind you why you fell in love with story and why you write.
Cynthia Grady
I am so much more confident when I approach storytelling. The class was so supportive as we explored storytelling in depth and ultimately transformed our skills. There was so much to learn, all in digestible bites. I still have a lot to practice, but with the materials Maryrose gave us, I have the tools to succeed.
Sara Bowen
The world needs your stories. And you don’t have to figure it out alone.
YES! I’M READY TO LEVEL UPIf you have a question you don’t see answered below, please send an email or book a quick call so I can answer it.
What does the program cover?
What kinds of writers is this program good for?
What happens when I finish the program?
Do I have to finish by a certain date?
Is this course appropriate for teens?
What kind of time commitment is involved?
Is there a guarantee?
Is there someone I can speak to before I enroll?