
Where on the path are you?

Hey there, storyteller! Tell me more about your writing by answering these three quick questions. I read and reply to every submission.

Yours in storytelling,

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Question 1 of 3

What’s your current writing practice like? (Choose the answer that best fits your experience; you'll be able to add details later).


I want to write, but I don’t know how to get started.


I start things, but I rarely finish them.


I have one or more completed projects, but I can't get any traction. Agents pass with vague reasons.


I have an agent and am professionally published, but I'd like to take my writing to the next level.

Question 2 of 3

I’d say my biggest obstacle as a writer is


Discipline. I just can't get myself to write consistently.


Writing craft. I write "by ear" but I have no or little formal training.


Story structure / plot. I have great ideas but I'm not sure how to shape them into complete plots.


I wish I knew! My writing sounds good to me and my friends love it, but I can't get an agent to bite!

Question 3 of 3

In your own words: what do you think would be most helpful to you in your writing journey right now? (Remember, I read every one of these and will reply personally, so don't be shy. Take a minute and let me know what you think would help you the most!)

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